Ever since we live in a Latin- American society, it is
difficult for us, more than to any others, to understand how hard it is to
speak another language. I am not writing about Japanese (an ancestral lingua),
Portuguese (a bakery lingua), Russian (a vodka lingua), or Spanish itself (in a
contradictory way, the most complex of all), I am referring to English. Wachu
Wachu Wachu Wachu Wachu.
Actually, this is not
even a word, it is just the way people who do not handle any knowledge of
English, refer to those who can do it. Wachu is phonetically, how non-speaker
with a certain facility to ignore things, laugh about those who try to
communicate with people from other parts of the world. In this special case,
with “the Yankees”.
Every time that, as
Venezuelan, you say something orally in a code that the listener do not
understand, it is the listener who says:
-Sorry, are you speaking to me…in
Japanese or Chinese?
Probably, this is because we tend to mock about Asian
people, since there is no grammar or phonetic relationship at all with Spanish
language (apart that they all look alike).
There was upon a time that, I was talking to a friend, a
beautiful girl, native Spanish speaker and a classmate passed by. He told me
something in English and, obviously, I replied the comment… IN ENGLISH!!!
As soon as I finished the little dialogue, I heard the
beautiful girl laughing. I asked her:
-Hey, what happened?
And she said… -Nothing, it is just hilarious listening to
both of you wachu- wachu- wachu- wachu…
Honestly, I was stocked. Did I get mad? No. But made me
realize about how powerful it is, to manage a “wachu wachu” code. What if we
learn a third language? Super wachu- wachu- wachu mode? I do not know. But must
be related to something like that. As a matter of fact, I do not consider
Chinese or Japanese speakers saying something, with a listener not getting the
message and, that listener saying:
-What did you say? Are you speaking to me…in Spanish or even
Why do I think about
this? Simple. “”Eagle does not hunt flies” (a silly/ powerful translation from
the Spanish saying “Águila no caza mosca”)
people have many important things to do (I believe this) rather than wasting
time making fun of their peers. They just say: -I am sorry, repeat once again,
Maybe it is the weather, the sun, the amount of people, I DO
NOT KNOW! That they do not waste time as Latin people. Wachu Wachu Wachu
Wachu…Let’s move on!
And what about the acquisition of a second language? In the
case of English, now you are able to watch on T.V, this famous guy named
“Wachu”, promoting an online- course of English, speaking and acting like if he
were an “expert” speaking the English language.
From singing a stupid song “focused” on prepositions: -“The
book is on the table, ta-ble, table. The book is-on-the-ta-ble”, until the
not-understanding –at –all meaning of a sentence as “Make my day”. Turn into
“Coman Mamey”. Phonetically, a possible relationship. Grammatically,
Pragmatically, Economically, Logically, any-other –LLY, like
Dolly the Sheep, I do not know[1] : stupid.
[1] Bad joke of the day!
Because of this guy, people do not care about the power of
being bilingual, rather than just thinking about “earning more money in the
future by speaking English”, getting
married with a rich old guy from another English speaking country (in the case
of female gender), getting married with a rich old lady (in the case of the
male gender), it does not matter if she speaks Spanish: -Please GOD, send
her!!!- Sorry about that, let me go back to the point…
So, “wachu- wachu”,
a reality that we, as bilingual people, must handle in our Venezuela. What
should Japanese or Chinese people handle on the other side of the planet?
Interesting question my friends…see you… wachu- wachu- wachu- wachu- wachu…
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